
Water Park
Laguna Splash Mushrooms
Surround yourself with a circular waterfall! Beware! No one who enters remains dry!
Rider Safety & Accessibility
Description: Laguna Waterworks features several slides, interactive water features, and a large tipping bucket.
Attire Requirements: Proper swim attire is required. Cut-off jeans, cargo/khaki shorts, pants, or any other non-swimwear is not permitted. Swim attire with exposed metal rivets, buttons, or zippers will not be permitted.
Loose Article Restrictions: Cell phones and tablets are permitted when in a waterproof pouch.
Water Depth: 18 inches
Admission Requirements: Fun Pass
Health Requirements: No restrictions.
Height Requirements: No height requirement to enter the attraction. Riders riding the Super Slide should be under 36” tall and can ride with a Supervising Companion with a Fun Pass. A Supervising Companion is a guest that is 16 years old or older and meets all ridership and admission requirements.
Ridership Criteria: Riders must be able to hold their head upright in the seated position and have an appropriate center of gravity for bracing. Riders must be able to brace themselves for deceleration into the pool. Weak or non-swimmers should be accompanied by and stay within arm’s reach of a guest who meets the Supervising Companion requirements and has a Fun Pass.
Prosthetics, Casts, & Braces: Any prosthetics with exposed metal must be removed or have the exposed metal covered with a padded material that can be secured to the prosthetic. Braces must be made from a soft material and have no metal components. Casts are permitted if they are covered with a waterproof cover or sleeve. Braces and casts must not go past the forearm. Walking boots and leg casts are not permitted.
Alternate Access: Non-ambulatory guests may access Laguna Waterworks from the accessible ramp. Riders using wheelchairs may transfer to an aquatic wheelchair to enter the pool. An aquatic wheelchair is available for transfer use free of charge at the entrance of River Lazio. The interactive play structure is not accessible by wheelchair or any other mobility device.
Subject to change.